Control Tesla Model S with Google Glass

Tesla Model S - That sounds pretty close to everything yet future, but is already a reality. Thanks to a technology developed by Saha Katta app allows the electric car Tesla Model S with the data Google Goggles Glass control. For example, the air conditioner can be controlled or it starts charging. In addition, the car can be locked and unlocked.

What a coincidence that the two Saha Katta Glass features Google plus has a Tesla Model S. As thought the clever founders of startups Pepper cover, so why not combine the two? Came out the app Tesla glass that has developed on its own and without the help of internet giants or the car manufacturer of tinkerers. The app allows the hood of the car open and close, you can retrieve the battery status or start and stop charging.
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You can locate the car using the data googles and you will, if you have lost track of time, even the car navigates. Should the forest for the Tesla does not even see, so you can also order the electric car to be felt by flasher and horn. Handy when you push the button for the convertible top can not find once again in summer: With this app you can retrieve the current temperature and enable the air conditioning in the automatic mode.
Control Tesla Model S 2
To other functions worked feverishly. So shall the car owners for example receive a push notification when the alarm of the car has started or when the charging is completed. So who is curious and like Mr. Katta next to the Tesla Model S should still have a Google data glasses, which the app can be downloaded right here.
Control Tesla Model S 3

Images: © Glass Tesla

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